Theory question bank update 2016 | Part 11
Click below to see the updated version for topic-wise questions
Theory question bank in parts, reorganized and updated till 2016: Part 11
What new in this update
1. All questions organised.
2. Questions arranged chapter wise as per appearance in Nelson’s textbook of Pediatrics.
3. Arranged in chronological order old first and latest last.
4. Adequate space and gaps given to take side notes and jot down points for last minute revision.
1. Questions are divided based on Chapters of Nelsons Textbook of Pediatrics
2. Questions contain two numbers at the end. Numbers within bracket indicates the year. For example (97/1)- 97 means year 1997 & 1 means June (2 means December). Thus (06/1) means June 2006
3. Number at the end of the question (not within bracket) indicates marks
1. Adverse effects of Environmental pollution in children (96/1)15
2. Occupational and environment risks to the fetus (06/1)5
3. Enumerate various air pollutants and discuss their effects on health of children (09/1)3+7
4. Why children are vulnerable to chemical pollutants? what are the chemical pollutants in environment and their effects? what are the hazards of environmental tobacco smoke in children? (14/2)3+4+3
1. Lead Toxicity in children (95/1)10
2. Management of Lead Poisoning and organophosphorous poisoning (07/2)10
3. Enumerate sources of lead poisoning. Outline the mechanism of toxicity and clinical features of lead poisoning. (10/2)3+3+4
4. Write the sources, clinical features, prevention and treatment of Lead poisoning (13/2)5
5. Diagnosis and management of lead poisoning (15/1)4
6. Lead poisoning (16/1)5
1. Steps and management of severe iron poisoning in children (06)10
2. Enumerate clinical features of iron poisoning and describe its management (09/2) 3+7
1. Write the sources, clinical features, prevention and treatment of Mercury poisoning 5(13/2)
1. Organophosphorous insecticide poisoning (95/1)15
2. Enumerate the major routes of pesticide exposure in children. Outline the manifestations of their toxicity. Discuss steps for minimization/ prevention of exposure to pesticides in children. (08/1)10
3. A 3 year old boy has swallowed an unknown amount of toilet cleaner and is brought to you in distress. Discuss the possible injuries, initial and late management of this patient. (08/2)10
4. Outline and discuss the diagnosis and management of organophosphorous poisoning. (13/1)4+6
5. Pathophysiology and management of Organophosphorous poisoning 5(Apr16)
1. Pathophysiology ,clinical presentations and management of carbon monoxide poisoning (14/2) Rpt (15/2) 3+3+4
1. Pathophysiology ,clinical features and mangament of Salicylate poisoning. 3+3+4 (15/2)
1. Management of Kerosene Oil poisoning (93/1)10
2. Kerosene oil poisoning (06)5 Rpt 5 marks (1/16)
1. How will you manage acute anaphylaxis following a bee sting in a ten year old boy (06)10
2. An 8 year old child is bitten by a snake while playing in the field. Discuss the different types of pathological changes the patient can go through. How do you grade the severity of envenomation and discuss the management. (08/2)10
3. Outline the pre-hospital and hospital management of a 10 year old boy bitten by a poisonous snake. (09/1)10
4. Outline the management of dog bite in a four year old child. (10/2)10
5. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features and management of scorpion sting. (13/1)3+3+4
6. How do you classify dog bites? Discuss its management. (13/2)4+6
7. A 4 year old child has been bitten on his foot by a snake. How is a poisonous snake identified? Discuss the management of this child. (14/1)3+7
8. Pathophysiology and management of Scorpion Bite 5 (Apr16)
1. Discuss briefly the major goals for child survival and development by 2000AD (97/1) 25
2. What measures can reduce Birth Rate in next 5 years (98/2) 10
3. What is the Birth Weight specific mortality? Discuss the measures to reduce this mortality (05)10
4. Enumerate chief causes of neonatal mortality in India. Describe the current status in India and its status. Prepare a 5 year plan for reduction of neonatal mortality rate in your district. (08/1)10
5. List and define the important public health indicators of mortality in children. Also discuss their current status in India. (09/1)7+3
6. What are the major contributors to the high infant mortality in our country? What Specific areas of infant or/and newborn care can be strengthened to decrease infant mortality in India. Describe the salient features of the integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness strategy. (09/2) 2+3+5
7. Enumerate the Millennium Development Goals. Describe briefly the National Health Programs to achieve Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in India. Write the status of India in relation to health indicators in NHFS – 3. (10/1)2+4+4
8. Define under – 5 mortality rate. Comment on its current status and etiology in India. Outline important strategies/ programs undertaken by Govt. of India to improve Under 5 child survival. (10/2) 2+2+2+4
9. Define various indicators of child health which are important in context of monitoring child health in a developing country. Outline the interventions to reduce them. (12/1)5+5
10. Write short notes on: (13/2) 5+5
b) MDG (millennium Development Goal) focused on children.
11. A)Millenium development goals 4 Rpt 4 (Apr16)
B)Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 3
C)Mission Indradhanush 3(15/1)
12.Iron plus initiative 3(15/1)
1. Use of Road To Health Charts in MCH clinics (95/2)10
2. RCH programme (98/2)15
3. National targets for MCH services 15
4. Pediatric components of RCH programme (99/2)15
5. RCH Programme-aims and strategies (02/1)15
6. Community management of Diarrhea and LRTI with indications for referral (02/1)15
7. RCH Programme in India (06)10
1. ICDS scheme (97/2)15
2. Outline the components of ICDS programme. Briefly discuss its impact o child health in India and also causes for its failure. (04/2)3+4+4
1. Objectives and strategies of ‘Maternal Child Survival And Safe Motherhood Programme’ (94/2)15
2. Child health care services provided through CSSM programme in India (95/1)15
3. CSSM Programme (96/2)15
1. IMNCI (03/2)15
2. IMNCI- what is the strategy. Discuss the factors in successful implementation of this strategy (05)5+5
3. What is IMCI? What are the various criteria and limitations of this Programme? Elaborate signs, symptoms and diseases covered under this programme (06)10
4. How do you classify the severity of acute respiratory infections using the IMNCI protocol? (06)10
5. Describe briefly the principles of integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI). Outline the broad steps of case management process. (08/1)10
6. Outline the essential components and principles of IMNCI strategy. Highlight the cardinal features of case management process of young infants (<2 months) (09/1)4+6
7. Discuss the justification for the addition of neonatal component to WHO generic IMCI programme for making IMNCI strategy. What are the key features of this strategy? (11/2)5+5
8. Enumerate the five high impact activities under RMNCH+ A programme 2x5 (Apr 16)
1. Pulse Polio Immunization (96/1)15
2. a).Define polio eradication
b).Polio eradication in india.
c).Immunisation issues following polio eradication. (15/1) 1+2+3
1. Failure in control of Tuberculosis (93/1)15
2. DOTS chemotherapeutic management of Tuberculosis in National TB Control Programme (00/1)15
3. DOTS regimen and the problems involved in the implementation in childhood TB (06)10
4. What were the problems encountered in NTCP. Write the goals, strategies and essential components of RNTPC. Also discuss in brief categorization of patients and treatment protocols under RNTCP (06)10
5. a) Describe the category based treatment in childhood TB (09/2)3
b) Describe the pros and cons of intermittent therapy for tuberculosis (09/2)3+3
c) What are the components of DOTS strategy as defined by WHO? (09/2)4
6. Describe the flow chart for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis under RNTCP. Write briefly on DOT PLUS program. (12/1) 6+4
7. A).Define DOTS, DOTS agents and DOTS plus.
b).List at least 4 important components Of DOTS
C)Give the categorization of treatment strategy in DOTS.(15/1)3+2+5
1. Write a short note on National Rural Health Mission (07/1)(09/2)10
2. Expand the acronym ‘ASHA’. Outline the functions and remuneration of ASHA. Discuss the potential impact of ASHA in improving the health status and well being of a community. (11/1)1+4+5
3. Write short notes on: (13/2)5+5
a) Mid Day Meal programme
b) Revised National Cancer Control programme.
4. ASHA 4(1/16)
1. National AIDS control Programme in preventing Childhood AIDS (06/1)10
2. National Leprosy Eradication Programme 15
3. National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Programme (07/2) 10
1. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (95/2)15
2. Briefly describe “baby friendly hospital initiative” and list ten steps to successful breast feeding. (08/1)10
3. What is BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative)? Mention its aims and objectives, steps, benefits and assessments of baby friendly hospitals. (11/2)2+2+2+2+2
4. Outline the goals of baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). Enumerate ten steps to successful breast feeding. Mention contraindications to breast feeding. (13/1)2+5+3
5. Describe the advantages and methods of giving Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). Enlist metabolic consequences of hypothermia . (13/1)(4+4)+2
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