Theory question bank update 2016 | Part 12
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Theory question bank in parts, reorganized and updated till 2016: Part 11
What new in this update
1. All questions organised.
2. Questions arranged chapter wise as per appearance in Nelson’s textbook of Pediatrics.
3. Arranged in chronological order old first and latest last.
4. Adequate space and gaps given to take side notes and jot down points for last minute revision.
1. Questions are divided based on Chapters of Nelsons Textbook of Pediatrics
2. Questions contain two numbers at the end. Numbers within bracket indicates the year. For example (97/1)- 97 means year 1997 & 1 means June (2 means December). Thus (06/1) means June 2006
3. Number at the end of the question (not within bracket) indicates marks
1. Indications for using IV immunoglobulin in children (97/1)10
2. Role of IVIg in pediatric practice (00/1)15
3. Indications for use of I V Immunoglobulin in Pediatric Practice (06)10
4. Briefly outline the uses for I v immunoglobulin (IVIG) in children. (07/2)10
5. Enlist the common indications for the use of I.V.I.G.. Describe the mechanism of action, doses and its side effects. (10/1)3+3+2+2
6. Describe in brief the diseases in which IVIG is used for treatment. Write the dosage, administration and side effects of IVIG. (10/2) 5+2+1+2
7. Discuss indications and plausible mechanisms of action of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in various pediatric disorders. (13/2)10
1. Clinical importance of Interferon (98/2)10
1. Physiological basis and therapeutic basis of NO (98/2)10
2. Clinical use of NO (03/2)15
1. Rifampicin Therapy in children (95/1)10
2. Preventive chemotherapy in childhood TB (96/1)15
3. Discuss the mechanism of Antibiotic resistance with special focus on ATD (97/2)25
1. Oral chelating agents (94/2)15
2. Iron chelation therapy (06) (00/1)5
1. Describe various mechanisms for development of Drug Resistance by bacterial pathogens against antibiotics. What factors are known to enhance drug resistance? Enumerate Anti Staphylococcal agents (92)25
2. Cephalosporins (94)15
3. Enumerate pediatric conditions in which Erythromycin is the drug of choice (97/1)10
4. Early detection of Chloramphenicol toxicity (03/1)15
5. Third generation cephalosporins (03/1)15
6. Aztreonam (03/2)15
7. Discuss the basis for development of antibiotic resistance. Outline the steps for prevention of antibiotic resistance. (04/2)5+5
8. Management of infections by organisms producing extended spectrum beta lactamase (06/1)10
1. Describe the antifungals available for systemic use in India with their dosage, route and duration of therapy for treatment of
a)systemic candidiasis; and b) Invasive aspergillosis (09/2)5+5
1. Antiviral drugs (99/1)15
1. Bronchodilators (94/2)15
1. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (94/2)15
1. Mechanism of action, therapeautic dose, and adverse effects in children of low molecular weight heparins. 5 (1/16)
1. Mechanism of action, therapeautic dose, and adverse effects in children of magnesium sulphate. 5(1/16)
1. Mechanism of Drug resistance (97/1) 15
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