DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Vaccines and Misc
This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.
How to use?
- Questions are arranged in chronological order as per year
- Each question is followed by a Numbers.
- Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
- The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.
General questions on vaccinology
- Casualty assessment in AEFI (2021/1) 5
- Vaccination in a child with cancer chemotherapy. (2021/1) 5
- Conjugate vaccine (2021/1) 5
- Future vaccines (2019/2) 5
- Different immunization campaigns in India and their role in improving immunization coverage (2019/2)6
- Combined vaccines (2019/1) 5
- Components of cold chain for immunization in a hospital setting and its monitoring (2019/1) 5
- Classification of AEFI (2019/1) 5
- Immunization in immunosuppressed children [2018/1/5]
- Adolescence immunization (2018/2)5
- Adolescent vaccination (2017/1) 5
- Pentavalent vaccines (2016/2)
- Conjugate vaccines (2015/1) 3
- Cold Chain (2000/1)15, (2014/2)5
- Define the following: (2013/1) 2X5
a. Herd immunity
b. Herd effect
c. Vaccine immunogenicity
d. Vaccine efficacy and e. Vaccine effectiveness - Describe the criteria or conditions to be considered for approving a ‘newer’ vaccine in an immunization program of a developing country. (2008/1) (2013/2) 10
- Salient differences between the National and IAP immunization schedule. (2013/1)(5)
- Tabulate the various newer vaccines available to prevent respiratory disease in children, with their types, dosage schedule, route, important side effects and efficacy. (2011/2)10
- Vaccine Vial Monitor 15
- Combination vaccine (1999/2)(2003/1)15
- Describe briefly various adverse reactions following vaccinations and discuss their management. (1997/2)25
- Immunization Schedule in India (1995/2)10
- Adverse reactions that may occur following use of vaccines included in the National
- Live vaccines used in pediatric age group (1995/1)10
- Immunization schedule basis in a child suffering from AIDS (1994)15
- Enumerate all the diseases against which vaccines are currently available (1993/2) 15
Malaria vaccine
- Malaria Vaccine (2021/2) 5
Rabies vaccine
- Post exposure prophylaxis for dog bite (2020/01)5
- Anti-rabies vaccine – Different schedules, advantages of each schedule (2019/2)5
- Write briefly about different types of vaccine against rabies. Discuss various schedules of pre and
post-exposure prophylaxis for rabies.(2012/1) 5+5
Varicella vaccine
- Varicella vaccine (2000/1)15
Measles vaccine
- Complications of measles vaccination and management (1994/2)15
Dengue Vaccine
- Dengue vaccine (2021/1) 5
H Influenza vaccine
- Tabulate the following details with regards to Rotavirus vaccine, HIB vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine (2009/2)10
- Type of vaccine
- Dose
- Route
- Appropriate age of vaccination
- Justification of its usage
- Side effect
- Drawback
- H Inuenzae B vaccine (1998/2)15
Typhoid vaccine
- Typhoid conjugate vaccine. (2020/01)5
- Typhoid vaccines (2019/1) 5
- Typhoid Vaccines (1997/1)15
Hepatitis vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine (1996/1), (1997/1)10
- Hepatitis B immunization (1993/2)10
Pnumococcal vaccine
- Pneumococcal vaccine (2017/2) 5
- Pneumococcal vaccine (1996/2)15
Influenza vaccine
- Influenza Type B vaccine (1998/1)15
DPT vaccine
- Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis and prevention of pertussis in children. Write the differences in efficacy, duration of protection and adverse effects between whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccine. (2014/1)6+4
- Current status of post-DPT vaccine encephalopathy (1993/1) 15
Polio vaccine
- VAPP (Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis) 5 (Apr 2016)
- What is inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). What are the advantages and disadvantages of IPV over OPV? What is the schedule of IPV as recommended by IAP. (2014/2) 3+5+2
- Discuss the current role, advantages and disadvantages of OPV and IPV in control and eradication of poliomyelitis in India. (2011/1)4+6
- Status of Polio vaccines (1993/1)15
Human papilloma vaccine
- HPV vaccine-current status [2018/2]5
- HPV vaccine (2015/1)4
- Utility and controversy of HPV Vaccine. (2010/1)5+5
Rotavirus vaccine
- Write short note on rotavirus vaccine (2015/01)3
- ECMO indications. (2021/2) 5
- Plasmapheresis - indications. (2021/2) 5
- Strategies to reduce screen time (2021/1) 5
- Teleconsultation Guidelines, Advantages and Drawbacks. (2020/1) 5
- Discuss ill effects of digital media on child health and strategies to prevent them (2020/1) 5+5
- IAPguidelines on junk food and fruit juices (2020/1) 5
- Oxygenation index (2016/1) 3
- Radiation sickness (Apr 16) 3
- Bioterrorism (Apr 16) 3
- Safe injection practices at level III care with respect to burden/deficiencies, risks, technique, handling, and disposal (15/2) 2+2+2+2+2
- Free radicals (15/2) 5
- Tips on parental guidance for computer and internet usage by children (13/1) 5
- Discuss safe injection practices at a level three health care facility. Outline the management of a needle stick injury to a health care provider 10 minutes back. (08/2) 10
- Role of Pediatrician in Disaster management (06/1) 10
- Hospital Waste Management (06) 10
- CPAP (06) 10
- Discuss management of the child with injuries (05) 5
- Outline the common ethical issues in pediatric practice. Briefly discuss the process of decision-making in pediatric life-sustaining interventions. (04) 4+6
- PCR and its significance in clinical practice (00/1) 15
- Prevention of Vertically transmitted diseases (99/1) 15
- Discuss the measures to prevent accidents in children (98/1) 25
- Role of oxygen free radicals in the causation of childhood diseases (97/1) 15
- Tetany in children (96/1) 12
- Effect of Television watching on children (95/1)15
- Food Fussiness in children (95/1) 10
- Pathogenesis of edema (95/1) 15
- Dimorphic child (94/2) 15
- Recent understanding of SIDS (94/1) 15
- Role of Upper GI Endoscopy (93/1) 15
- Value of USG in pediatrics (93/1) 10
- Epidemiology and prevention of accidents in children (92/2) 15
- Discuss diagnosis and management of an unconscious child (92/2) 25
- PCR (92) 15

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