DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Pharmacology | Biomedical waste

This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.

How to use?

  1. Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
  2. Each question is followed by a Numbers.
  3. Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
  4. The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.


  1. Pharmaokinetics of acetaminophen (2021/2) 5


  1. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. (2020/01)5
  2. Define the role and principle of antibiotic stewardship in inpatient and outpatient settings in pediatric practise (2020/1) 5+5
  3. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance (2017/1) 5
  4. Principles of rational antibiotic therapy (2017/2) 5
  5. Management of infections by organisms producing extended spectrum beta lactamase (2006/1)10
  6. Discuss the basis for development of antibiotic resistance. Outline the steps for prevention of antibiotic resistance. (2004/2)5+5
  7. Aztreonam (2003/2)15
  8. Third generation cephalosporins (2003/1)15
  9. Early detection of Chloramphenicol toxicity (2003/1)15
  10. Mechanism of Drug resistance (1997/1) 15
  11. Enumerate pediatric conditions in which Erythromycin is the drug of choice (1997/1)10
  12. Cephalosporins (1994)15
  13. Describe various mechanisms for development of Drug Resistance by bacterial pathogens against antibiotics. What factors are known to enhance drug resistance? Enumerate Anti Staphylococcal agents (1992)25


  1. Describe the antifungals available for systemic use in India with their dosage, route and duration of therapy for treatment of a) systemic candidiasis; and b) Invasive aspergillosis (2009/2)5+5


  1. Antiviral drugs (1999/1)15


  1. Mechanism of action of valproate as an anti-epileptic drug (2018/1)
  2. Current status of newer anti-epileptic drugs (2017/1) 4
  3. Newer antiepileptic drugs. Write the name, dosage and salient adverse effects in tabular form (2017/2) 5
  4. Indications for the therapeutic use of newer anticonvulsants in childhood seizure states and their potential adverse effects (2007/1)10
  5. Enumerate newer drugs for treatment of Epilepsy with their uses (2002/1)15
  6. Tabulate the mechanism of action, dosage, indications and side effects of the following a. Zonisamide b. Runamide c. Stiripentol d. Levetricetam e. Lacosamide 2x5 (2015/2)
  7. Newer antiepileptic drugs (2013/1) 5, (2015/1) 4, (2015/2)5


  1. Mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia and mode of action of adenosine in supraventricular tachycardia (2018/1)


  1. Bronchodilators (1994/2)15

Chelating agents

  1. Iron chelating agents in Pediatric practice. (2020/01)5
  2. Iron chelation therapy (2006) (2000/1)5
  3. Oral chelating agents (1994/2)15


  1. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (1994/2)15

Immunoglobulins and monoclonals

  1. Monoclonal antibodies in pediatric practise (2021/2) 5
  2. Role of monoclonal antibodies in rabies PEP (2021/1) 5
  3. Indication, mode of action and side effects of IVIG in Paediatric practise (2016/2) 5, (2017/1), 10 (2019/1)
  4. Discuss indications and plausible mechanisms of action of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in various pediatric disorders. (2013/2)10
  5. Describe in brief the diseases in which IVIG is used for treatment. Write the dosage, administration and side effects of IVIG. (2010/2) 5+2+1+2
  6. Enlist the common indications for the use of IVIG.. Describe the mechanism of action, doses and its side effects. (2010/1)3+3+2+2
  7. Briefly outline the uses for I v immunoglobulin (IVIG) in children. (2007/2)10
  8. Indications for use of IV Immunoglobulin in Pediatric Practice (2006)10
  9. Role of IVIG in pediatric practice (2000/1)15
  10. Indications for using IV immunoglobulin in children (1997/1)10


  1. Pegylated interferons (2016/2)
  2. Clinical importance of Interferon (98/2)10


  1. iNO therapeutics (2021/2) 5
  2. Clinical use of NO (2003/2)15
  3. Physiological basis and therapeutic basis of NO (1998/2)10

Low molecular weight heparins

  1. Mechanism of action, therapeutic dose, and adverse effects in children of low molecular weight heparins. (2016/1) 5

Magnessium sulphate

  1. Mechanism of action, therapeutic dose, and adverse effects in children of magnesium sulphate. (2016/1) 5


  1. Insulina analogues (2021/2) 5
  2. Diptheria toxin guidelines (2021/2) 5
  3. Risk of acid supression drugs (2021/1) 5
  4. Role of probiotics in gastrointestinal dissorders (2020/1) 5
  5. Rituximab – mode of action, indication and adverse effects (2019/2) 6
  6. Haematopoetic growth factors (2018/2) 5
  7. Anti-cytokine drugs and their indication (2018/2) 5
  8. Role of sildenafil citrate in new born practise (2019/1) 5
  9. Aerosol therapy for respiratory disorders (2017/1)
  10. Infliximab (2016/2)

Biomedical waste management

  1. Safe injection practices at level III care with respect to burden/deficiencies, risks, technique, handling and disposal 2+2+2+2+2 (2015/2)
  2. What are the safe injection practices (2019/1) 5
  3. Safe injection practices (2018/2)5
  4. Define biomedical waste. Describe its hazards. Outline modes of disposal of biomedical waste generated in a hospital setting. (2012/1)2+3+5
  5. Define ‘biomedical waste’. Briefly categorize them. Enumerate their health hazards. List 4 important methods for disposal of biomedical wastes. (2008/1)10
  6. Discuss safe injection practices at a level three health care facility. Outline the management of a needle stick injury to a health care provider 10 minutes back. (2008/2)10
  7. Discuss safe injection practices at a level three health care facility. Outline the management of a needle stick injury to a health care provider 10 minutes back. (2008/2)10
  8. Hospital Waste Management (2006)10

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