DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Pharmacology | Biomedical waste
This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.
How to use?
- Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
- Each question is followed by a Numbers.
- Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
- The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.
- Pharmaokinetics of acetaminophen (2021/2) 5
- Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. (2020/01)5
- Define the role and principle of antibiotic stewardship in inpatient and outpatient settings in pediatric practise (2020/1) 5+5
- Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance (2017/1) 5
- Principles of rational antibiotic therapy (2017/2) 5
- Management of infections by organisms producing extended spectrum beta lactamase (2006/1)10
- Discuss the basis for development of antibiotic resistance. Outline the steps for prevention of antibiotic resistance. (2004/2)5+5
- Aztreonam (2003/2)15
- Third generation cephalosporins (2003/1)15
- Early detection of Chloramphenicol toxicity (2003/1)15
- Mechanism of Drug resistance (1997/1) 15
- Enumerate pediatric conditions in which Erythromycin is the drug of choice (1997/1)10
- Cephalosporins (1994)15
- Describe various mechanisms for development of Drug Resistance by bacterial pathogens against antibiotics. What factors are known to enhance drug resistance? Enumerate Anti Staphylococcal agents (1992)25
- Describe the antifungals available for systemic use in India with their dosage, route and duration of therapy for treatment of a) systemic candidiasis; and b) Invasive aspergillosis (2009/2)5+5
- Antiviral drugs (1999/1)15
- Mechanism of action of valproate as an anti-epileptic drug (2018/1)
- Current status of newer anti-epileptic drugs (2017/1) 4
- Newer antiepileptic drugs. Write the name, dosage and salient adverse effects in tabular form (2017/2) 5
- Indications for the therapeutic use of newer anticonvulsants in childhood seizure states and their potential adverse effects (2007/1)10
- Enumerate newer drugs for treatment of Epilepsy with their uses (2002/1)15
- Tabulate the mechanism of action, dosage, indications and side effects of the following a. Zonisamide b. Runamide c. Stiripentol d. Levetricetam e. Lacosamide 2x5 (2015/2)
- Newer antiepileptic drugs (2013/1) 5, (2015/1) 4, (2015/2)5
- Mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia and mode of action of adenosine in supraventricular tachycardia (2018/1)
- Bronchodilators (1994/2)15
Chelating agents
- Iron chelating agents in Pediatric practice. (2020/01)5
- Iron chelation therapy (2006) (2000/1)5
- Oral chelating agents (1994/2)15
- Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (1994/2)15
Immunoglobulins and monoclonals
- Monoclonal antibodies in pediatric practise (2021/2) 5
- Role of monoclonal antibodies in rabies PEP (2021/1) 5
- Indication, mode of action and side effects of IVIG in Paediatric practise (2016/2) 5, (2017/1), 10 (2019/1)
- Discuss indications and plausible mechanisms of action of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in various pediatric disorders. (2013/2)10
- Describe in brief the diseases in which IVIG is used for treatment. Write the dosage, administration and side effects of IVIG. (2010/2) 5+2+1+2
- Enlist the common indications for the use of IVIG.. Describe the mechanism of action, doses and its side effects. (2010/1)3+3+2+2
- Briefly outline the uses for I v immunoglobulin (IVIG) in children. (2007/2)10
- Indications for use of IV Immunoglobulin in Pediatric Practice (2006)10
- Role of IVIG in pediatric practice (2000/1)15
- Indications for using IV immunoglobulin in children (1997/1)10
- Pegylated interferons (2016/2)
- Clinical importance of Interferon (98/2)10
- iNO therapeutics (2021/2) 5
- Clinical use of NO (2003/2)15
- Physiological basis and therapeutic basis of NO (1998/2)10
Low molecular weight heparins
- Mechanism of action, therapeutic dose, and adverse effects in children of low molecular weight heparins. (2016/1) 5
Magnessium sulphate
- Mechanism of action, therapeutic dose, and adverse effects in children of magnesium sulphate. (2016/1) 5
- Insulina analogues (2021/2) 5
- Diptheria toxin guidelines (2021/2) 5
- Risk of acid supression drugs (2021/1) 5
- Role of probiotics in gastrointestinal dissorders (2020/1) 5
- Rituximab – mode of action, indication and adverse effects (2019/2) 6
- Haematopoetic growth factors (2018/2) 5
- Anti-cytokine drugs and their indication (2018/2) 5
- Role of sildenafil citrate in new born practise (2019/1) 5
- Aerosol therapy for respiratory disorders (2017/1)
- Infliximab (2016/2)
Biomedical waste management
- Safe injection practices at level III care with respect to burden/deficiencies, risks, technique, handling and disposal 2+2+2+2+2 (2015/2)
- What are the safe injection practices (2019/1) 5
- Safe injection practices (2018/2)5
- Define biomedical waste. Describe its hazards. Outline modes of disposal of biomedical waste generated in a hospital setting. (2012/1)2+3+5
- Define ‘biomedical waste’. Briefly categorize them. Enumerate their health hazards. List 4 important methods for disposal of biomedical wastes. (2008/1)10
- Discuss safe injection practices at a level three health care facility. Outline the management of a needle stick injury to a health care provider 10 minutes back. (2008/2)10
- Discuss safe injection practices at a level three health care facility. Outline the management of a needle stick injury to a health care provider 10 minutes back. (2008/2)10
- Hospital Waste Management (2006)10

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