DNB Pediatrics Question paper bank - December 2018
DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination in December 2018 .
- A. Neonatal mortality rate- Indian current status.
B. Physical and metabolic properties, food sources of vitamin D. - A. Sources of health information for research.
B. Tests of statistical significance. - A. Causes of metabolic acidosis and role of the anion gap.
B. Mechanism of phototherapy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. - A. Approach to a child with suspected inborn error of metabolism.
B. Hepatobiliary morphogenesis. - A. Components of facility based newborn care.
B. Triage of sick new born in SNCU. - A. Anatomy and function of nephron.
B. Disorders of neuronal migration. - A. Safe injection practices.
B. Principles of stem cell theraphy. - A. Bronchogenic cyst.
B. Steroidogenic pathway. - A. Components of Nutritional rehabilitation centre.
B. ASHA. - A. HPV vaccine current status .
B. Patterns of genetic inheritance.
- A. causes and treatment of epistaxis. 5
B. Differentials for microcytic hypochromic anemia. 5 - A. Temperature regulation in newborn. 5
B. Syndromes assoc with obesity. 5 - A. Diamond blackfan anemia, clinical features and treatment. 5
B. Management of chronic ITP. 5 - A. Classifc of VUR. 5
B. Renal osteodystrophy. 5 - A. Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. 5
B. components and benefits of KMC ( Kangaroo mother care) 5 - A. Investigations and treatment of neonatal seizures. 7
B. Trichotillomania. 3 - A. Neuroblastoma- clinical features and diagnosis. 5
B. List of micronutrients and methods of prevention of their deficiency. 5 - A. Complications and management of neonate born to mother with diabetes.
B. Medical management of PDA. - A. Complications of diphtheria. 6
B. Causes and treatment of Vit D resistant rickets. 4 - A. Recent RNTCP guidelines for pediatric TB.
B. Management of fulminant hepatic failure.
- A. X linked agamaglobulinemia.
B. H1N1-Clinical features and management. - A. SLE- diagnostic criteria.
B. HSP- clinical features and diagnosis. - A. Clinical features of juvenile dermatomyositis.
B. Clinical features of acrodermatitis enteropathica. - A. Pathogenesis of eisenmengerization
B. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis - A. Management of acute myocarditis.
B. Causes of recurrent wheeze in children. - A. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis.
B. Clinical features an diagnosis of portal hypertension. - A. Management of hyperkalemia.
B. Treatment of Organophosphorus poisoning. - A. Diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease.
B. Adolescent immunization. - A. Snake bite envenomation- clinical festures.
B. Laboratory diagnosis of ricketsial infections. - A. Clinical features of tyrosinemiatype1.
B. Pediatric cochlear implant.
- A. Role of imunophenotyping in diagnosis of Acute leukemia.
B. Indication for splenectomy in thalassemia. - A. Calcium regulation in humans.
B. Anti cytokine drugs and their indications. - A. Recent advances in diagnosis of tuberculosis.
B. Management of DKA. - A. Treatmrent of steroid resistant Nephrotic syndrome.
B. Hematopoiteic growth factors. - A. Therapies for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
B. Diagnostic approach to precocious puberty in girls. - A. Renal Scans.
B. Counselling in downs syndrome. - A. Recent advances in treatment of bronchiolitis.
B. Treatment guidelines of neonate born to HIV+ mother. - A. Investigation and treatment of childhood vertigo.
B. Approach to suspected immunodeficiency. Investigate. - A. Causes and pathophysiology of pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.
B. Serological tests for celiac disesase. - A. Plasmapheresis.
B. Evaluation and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism.

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