DNB Pediatrics Theory Question Paper Dec 2020

DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination in Dec 2020 .

Links to model answers are given where available.

Paper 1

  1. a) Fetal circulation with diagrammatic illustration and changes after
    birth. | Neonaology
    b) Ductus-dependent congenital heart diseases. 5 + 5 | Neonatology
  2. Discuss the role of the following in health and diseases | Growth and Nutrition
    a) Copper.
    b) Zinc.
    c) Magnesium. 3+4+3
  3. a) Describe the evolutionary development of the hemoglobin’s from
    embryo to adult. | Embryology/Diseases of blood
    b) Describe the relationship among the various hemoglobin’s in first
    year of life and their implication in diagnosing hereditary hemoglobinopathies. 5+5 | Hematology
  4. a) Illustrate the pathophysiology of R-L shunt. | Cardiology
    b) Lesions of facial nerve at different levels. 5+5 | Neurology
  5. a) Development of diaphragm, trachea and esophagus and types of TOF with diagrams. | Respiratory
    b) Briefly describe the important attributes of various patterns of genetic inheritance. 4+6 | Human genetics
  6. List the various study designs for biomedical research with one suitable example for each. 10 | Statistics
  7. a) Briefly describe the indicators of child health. | Social pediatrics
    b) List the major programmatic interventions to reduce the IMR. 6+4 | Social pediatrics
  8. a) Chi Square test (illustrate with an example a setting where it should be used). | Statistics
    b) Quality Improvement Initiatives in healthcare (illustrate with an
    example).5+5 | Social pediatrics
  9. Discuss salient features of management of children with tuberculosis as per National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP). 10 | Infectious diseases
  10. a) What is child labour and discuss the measures to control it in the society? Field of pediatrics
    b) How will you handle the Cyber bullying in children? 5+5 | Misc

Paper II

  1. a) Algorithm of neonatal resuscitation programme (NRP). | Neonatology
    b) Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome. 5+5 | Nephrology
  2. a) Bone age assessment and physical growth in children. | Growth and development
    b) Point of care test for diagnosis of urinary tract infection. 5+5 | Urology
  3. a) Management of transfusion in dependent thalassemia. | Hematology
    b) Diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. 5+5 | Infectious diseases
  4. a) Overview of learning disability disorders. | Learning and developmental disorders
    b) Craniosynostosis. 5+5 | Neurology
  5. a) Approach to a child with recurrent wheezing. | Respiratory
    b) Treatment of nutritional rickets. 5+5 | Nutrition
  6. a) Staging & management hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). | Neonatology
    b) Approach to a newborn with respiratory distress. 5+5 | Neonatology
  7. a) Management of neonatal seizures. | Neonatology
    b) Surgical emergencies in newborn. 5+5 | Neonatology
  8. a) Principles of management of autistic spectrum disorders. | Learning and developmental disorders
    b) Vaccine Hesitancy. 5+5 | Vaccinology
  9. a) Clinical presentation & management of Henoch-Schonlein purpura. | Rheumatic diseases of childhood
    b) Risk stratification in ALL in children. 5+5 | Hematology
  10. a) Autoimmune encephalitis. | Neurology
    b) Immunization in adolescents. 5+5 | Vaccinology

Paper III

  1. a) Approach to child with upper airway obstruction. | Respiratory diseases
    b) Types of supraventricular tachycardia and management of SVT with
    circulatory failure. 5+5 | Cardiac disorders
  2. a) Evaluation of medical morbidities in Down syndrome. | Human genetics
    b) Management of septic shock 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care
  3. a) Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. | Digestive system
    b) Emergency triage and treatment in pediatric practice 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care
  4. a) Importance of fundus examination in children in clinical practice. | The eye
    b) Psychosocial screening in adolescents. 5+5 | Adolescent medicine
  5. a) Differential diagnosis of fever with rash in children. | The Skin
    b) Discuss the endocrine causes and its evaluation of short stature. 5+5 | Endocrine disorders
  6. a) Complications of severe falciparam malaria. | Infectious diseases
    b) Prevention of overweight and obesity in adolescents. 5+5 | Nutrition
  7. a) Indications of closure of ventricular septal defects in children. | Cardiac disorders
    b) Breath holding spells. 5+5 | Behavioral and psychiatry disorders
  8. a) Management of scorpion sting. | Human and animal bites
    b) Organ donation 5+5 | Misc
  9. a) Role of CBC in pediatric OPD | Hematology
    b) Drug surveillance.5+5 | Pharmacology
  10. a) Management of a child with Kawasaki disease | Rheumatological disorders.
    b) Supratentorial intracranial tumors in children. 5+5 | Neurology

Paper IV

  1. a) Management of acute lung injury | Respiratory.
    b) Metabolic autopsy. 5+5 | Misc
  2. a) Prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders. | Human genetics
    b) Hyperoxia test. 5+5 | Cardiac disorders
  3. a) Oxygen dissociation curve and its clinical implication. | Emergency medicine and critical care
    b) Importance of Human milk banking. 5+5 | Neonatology
  4. a) Intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. | Nutrition
    b) Rapid sequential intubation. 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care
  5. a) Immunomodulators in pediatric patients. | Immunology
    b) Cyberbullying. 5+5 | Misc
  6. a) Modes of ventilation in pediatric patients. | Emergency medicine and critical care
    b) Point of care ultrasonography in PICU. 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care
  7. a) Modified Glasgow Coma Scale. | Neurology
    b) Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. 5+5 | Infectious diseases
  8. a) Pediatric pain management. | Field of pediatrics
    b) Counselling of chronic disorders in children. 5+5 | Misc
  9. a) Plasmapheresis in pediatric practice. | Misc
    b) Principles of gene therapy. 5+5 | Human genetics
  10. a) Prevention of COVID-19 infection. | Infectious diseases
    b) Indications of IVIG therapy in pediatric practice. 5+5 | Pharmacology
dnb theory queston papers

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