DNB Pediatrics Theory Question Paper Dec 2020
DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination in Dec 2020 .
Paper 1
- a) Fetal circulation with diagrammatic illustration and changes after
birth. | Neonaology
b) Ductus-dependent congenital heart diseases. 5 + 5 | Neonatology - Discuss the role of the following in health and diseases | Growth and Nutrition
a) Copper.
b) Zinc.
c) Magnesium. 3+4+3 - a) Describe the evolutionary development of the hemoglobin’s from
embryo to adult. | Embryology/Diseases of blood
b) Describe the relationship among the various hemoglobin’s in first
year of life and their implication in diagnosing hereditary hemoglobinopathies. 5+5 | Hematology - a) Illustrate the pathophysiology of R-L shunt. | Cardiology
b) Lesions of facial nerve at different levels. 5+5 | Neurology - a) Development of diaphragm, trachea and esophagus and types of TOF with diagrams. | Respiratory
b) Briefly describe the important attributes of various patterns of genetic inheritance. 4+6 | Human genetics - List the various study designs for biomedical research with one suitable example for each. 10 | Statistics
- a) Briefly describe the indicators of child health. | Social pediatrics
b) List the major programmatic interventions to reduce the IMR. 6+4 | Social pediatrics - a) Chi Square test (illustrate with an example a setting where it should be used). | Statistics
b) Quality Improvement Initiatives in healthcare (illustrate with an
example).5+5 | Social pediatrics - Discuss salient features of management of children with tuberculosis as per National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP). 10 | Infectious diseases
- a) What is child labour and discuss the measures to control it in the society? Field of pediatrics
b) How will you handle the Cyber bullying in children? 5+5 | Misc
Paper II
- a) Algorithm of neonatal resuscitation programme (NRP). | Neonatology
b) Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome. 5+5 | Nephrology - a) Bone age assessment and physical growth in children. | Growth and development
b) Point of care test for diagnosis of urinary tract infection. 5+5 | Urology - a) Management of transfusion in dependent thalassemia. | Hematology
b) Diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. 5+5 | Infectious diseases - a) Overview of learning disability disorders. | Learning and developmental disorders
b) Craniosynostosis. 5+5 | Neurology - a) Approach to a child with recurrent wheezing. | Respiratory
b) Treatment of nutritional rickets. 5+5 | Nutrition - a) Staging & management hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). | Neonatology
b) Approach to a newborn with respiratory distress. 5+5 | Neonatology - a) Management of neonatal seizures. | Neonatology
b) Surgical emergencies in newborn. 5+5 | Neonatology - a) Principles of management of autistic spectrum disorders. | Learning and developmental disorders
b) Vaccine Hesitancy. 5+5 | Vaccinology - a) Clinical presentation & management of Henoch-Schonlein purpura. | Rheumatic diseases of childhood
b) Risk stratification in ALL in children. 5+5 | Hematology - a) Autoimmune encephalitis. | Neurology
b) Immunization in adolescents. 5+5 | Vaccinology
Paper III
- a) Approach to child with upper airway obstruction. | Respiratory diseases
b) Types of supraventricular tachycardia and management of SVT with
circulatory failure. 5+5 | Cardiac disorders - a) Evaluation of medical morbidities in Down syndrome. | Human genetics
b) Management of septic shock 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care - a) Diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. | Digestive system
b) Emergency triage and treatment in pediatric practice 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care - a) Importance of fundus examination in children in clinical practice. | The eye
b) Psychosocial screening in adolescents. 5+5 | Adolescent medicine - a) Differential diagnosis of fever with rash in children. | The Skin
b) Discuss the endocrine causes and its evaluation of short stature. 5+5 | Endocrine disorders - a) Complications of severe falciparam malaria. | Infectious diseases
b) Prevention of overweight and obesity in adolescents. 5+5 | Nutrition - a) Indications of closure of ventricular septal defects in children. | Cardiac disorders
b) Breath holding spells. 5+5 | Behavioral and psychiatry disorders - a) Management of scorpion sting. | Human and animal bites
b) Organ donation 5+5 | Misc - a) Role of CBC in pediatric OPD | Hematology
b) Drug surveillance.5+5 | Pharmacology - a) Management of a child with Kawasaki disease | Rheumatological disorders.
b) Supratentorial intracranial tumors in children. 5+5 | Neurology
Paper IV
- a) Management of acute lung injury | Respiratory.
b) Metabolic autopsy. 5+5 | Misc - a) Prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders. | Human genetics
b) Hyperoxia test. 5+5 | Cardiac disorders - a) Oxygen dissociation curve and its clinical implication. | Emergency medicine and critical care
b) Importance of Human milk banking. 5+5 | Neonatology - a) Intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. | Nutrition
b) Rapid sequential intubation. 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care - a) Immunomodulators in pediatric patients. | Immunology
b) Cyberbullying. 5+5 | Misc - a) Modes of ventilation in pediatric patients. | Emergency medicine and critical care
b) Point of care ultrasonography in PICU. 5+5 | Emergency medicine and critical care - a) Modified Glasgow Coma Scale. | Neurology
b) Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. 5+5 | Infectious diseases - a) Pediatric pain management. | Field of pediatrics
b) Counselling of chronic disorders in children. 5+5 | Misc - a) Plasmapheresis in pediatric practice. | Misc
b) Principles of gene therapy. 5+5 | Human genetics - a) Prevention of COVID-19 infection. | Infectious diseases
b) Indications of IVIG therapy in pediatric practice. 5+5 | Pharmacology

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