DNB Pediatrics Theory Question Paper April 2023
DNB theory question paper for the final exam held by the National Board of Examination in April 2023.
Almost 7 Questions on Growth and development including subquestions. Principle and Drugs in Sedations is somehwat ICU specific trainee question. 2 Questions on Statistics. Relatively less questions on Neonatology this time.
Paper 1
- a) Describe embryonic development of heart [5] (Embryology)
b) Enumerate various duct dependent congenital heart diseases that can present as neonatal emergencies. [5] (Cardiology) - a) Describe principles of sedation in children undergoing day care procedures. [5]
b) Enumerate drugs commonly used for short term sedation in children. [5] (Emergency Medicine) - a) Describe regression analysis.[5] (Statistics)
b) Enumerate the components of facility based newborn care.[5] (Neonatology) - a) Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT). [5] (Genetics)
b) Fixed Drugs Combination of antitubercular drugs under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme. [5] (Infectious diseases) - a) Describe the screening tests for IEM.[5] (Metabolic diseases)
b) Describe the investigations and treatment of nutritional rickets.[5] (Nutrition) - a) Define the steps of randomized controlled trial. [6]
b) What is meta-analysis? [4] (Statistics) - a) Outline the 10 steps of management of SAM as per WHO guidelines. [7]
b) Describe F-75 diet. [3] (Growth Development and behavior-Nutrition) - a) Describe multiple inflammatory syndrome in children. [5]
b) Suman Health Program. [5] (Social Pediatrics) - a) Role of Folate in body metabolism.[5] (Growth Development and behavior-Nutrition)
b) Enumerate the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Folate deficiency.[5] (Hematology) - a) What is MR campaign? [5] (Social Pediatrics)
b) Difference between acellular and whole cell pertussis vaccine.[5] (Vaccinology)
Paper 2
- a) Role of newborn screening. [5]
b) Management of a neonate born to VDRL positive mother. [5] (Neonatology) - a) Management of congenital hypothyroidism. [5]
b) Retinopathy of prematurity and its grading. [5] (Neonatology) - a) Approach to anemia in a 2 year old child. [5]
b) Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children. [5] (Hematology) - a) Define global developmental delay. [4]
b) What are the screening tools for development delay? [6] (Growth Development and behavior) - a) How will you diagnose Autistic Spectrum Disorders [ASD]? [5]
b) Name the interventions for ASD. [5] (Growth Development and behavior) - a) Management of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). [5]
b) Dietary therapy in nephrotic syndrome. [5] (Nephrology) - a) Management of cyanotic spell. [5]
b) Fluid therapy in congestive cardiac failure. [5] (Cardiology) - a) Role of CBC in evaluation of a child with fever. [5]
b) How to interpret indices in Coulter hemogram? [5] (Hematology) - a) Enlist the criteria for diagnosis of SAM in < 6months. [5] (Nutition)
b) Role of ketogenic diet in the management of refractory epilepsy. [5] (Neurology) - a) Risk stratification of a newly diagnosed acute lymphatic leukemia. [5]
b) Management of tumour lysis syndrome. [5] (Hematology)
Paper 3
- a) Karyotype in Down's syndrome and its role in genetic counselling. [5]
b) Principles of gene therapy. [5] (Genetics and Metabolics) - a) Differential diagnosis in a child with swelling of multiple joints for 6 weeks duration. [5]
b) Classification and diagnostic criteria of JIA. [5] (Immunology) - a) Sexual Maturity Rating in girls. [5]
b) Define precocious puberty and its causes. [5] (Growth Development and behavior) - a) Approach to a suspected primary immunodeficiency disorder. [5]
b) Clinical features and laboratory findings in primary B cell immunodeficiency. [5] (Immunology) - a) Diagnosis of enteric fever. [5]
b) Management of septic shock. [5] (Infectitious diseases) - a) Outline the medical management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). [5]
b) How will you differentiate an innocent murmur from an organic cardiac murmur? [5] (Cardiology) - a) Describe the physiological basis of gastrooesophageal reflux. [5]
b) Discuss clinical features and management of GERD. [3+2] (GI and Hepatology) - a) Recent advances in insulin therapy. [5]
b) Clinical features of classical CAH. [5] (Endocrinology) - a) Discuss the differential diagnosis in a 6-year-old child with easy bruisability. [5]
b) Enumerate relevant investigation for each differential diagnosis. [5] (Hematology) - a) Outline management of dog bite in a 4-year-old child. [5]
b) Describe management of scorpion bite. [5] (Health hazards and bites)
Paper 4
- a) How will you manage a 2-year-old child presenting with status epilepticus? [5]
b) Newer drugs in spinal muscular atrophy. [5] (Neurology)
- a) Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever in children. [5] (Cardiology)
b) Newer drugs in the treatment of cystic fibrosis. [5] (Respiratory diseases)
- a) Recent advances in management of childhood asthma. [5]
b) Role of Zn, Cu and Mg in nutrition and disease. [5] (Growth and Development)
- a) Pedigree chart and patterns of inheritance. [5] (Human Genetics)
b) Human milk banking. [5] (Growth and Development)
- a) Role of oxygen free radicals in diseases. [5] (Misc)
b) Indications of growth hormone replacement therapy. [5] (Endocrinology)
- a) Explain the anatomical and functional factors for obstructive sleep apnoea [OSA]. [5]
b) How will you diagnose and treat OSA? [5] (Growth Development and behavior)
- a) Components of Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres. [5]
b) Enumerate the differences between Hirschsprung disease and functional constipation. [5] (GI and Hepatology)
- a) Hypothalamic Pituitary axis. [5]
b) Passive immunity and its clinical application in paediatric disease. [5] (Endocrinology)
- a) Indications of CSF manometry in children. [5]
b) Ventriculoperitoneal shunt in children. [5] (Neurology)
- a) Molecular diagnostic parameters in the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia. [5] (Hematology)
b) Indications of Rituximab in pediatric diseases. [5] (Pharmacology)

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Kishor L Giri | DNB Pediatric
Kishor completed his DNB Pediatric residency at Jehangir Hospital, Pune and currently working as a Pediatrician in Navi Mumbai. His articles focus on clinical aspects of the exams including tips for preparing practical and OSCE exams.
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